James Waldby Cornered in Willoughby, Ohio : Forged DD214 goes unchallenged…Again.

12/06/2015 by militaryphonies

James Waldby scams hospitals like they are a vacation time share resort. Using a fake DD214 of course.


Once again, this James Waldby character has surfaced over at thisainthell.us.  Some of these people will just not stop, even after they are exposed.  We often get criticized for outing these people, let this be an example of why we do what we do.  Stolen Valor, even when reported to Law Enforcement on multiple occasions continues to levy a price on everyone.

His previously exposed fake DD214James-Michael-WaldbyDD-214a

His actual summary of service:Michael-James-Waldby-FOIA

An alert reader in Willoughby, Ohio spotted James Waldby when he checked into a hospital in the community.  This military phony has been pulling his stunt for years.  There is no telling how much his antics have cost taxpayers.

Source: James Waldby Cornered in Willoughby, Ohio : This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here


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