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Royal Eugene Lovejoy Jr, Fake SEAL Senior Chief, Fake Navy Pilot, Fake Master Diver, Fake Vietnam Veteran

Some people out of the great state of Texas sent us some very interesting wedding photos lately. They seem to show an Enlisted/Officer/SEAL/Pilot/Master Diver. Thats a lot to sort through. In the photo below he is wearing the Navy SEAL Trident on his lapel. I circled it because it might be tough to see.

Now to the wedding pictures. Lovejoy has a mix of things that took a bit to sort out. He may just be the victim of a Veterans Day Navy movie marathon of Top Gun, Navy SEALs, and Men of Honor. He is wearing the cover of an officer. He is wearing the uniform of a Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer E8 with 4 gold hashmarks. Each hash mark represents 4 year of service equalling 16 on his uniform. Above his ribbons is the SEAL Trident. Under his ribbons is a set of officer flight wings and a Master Diver emblem. He has 25 ribbons in between all of that.  The ones that can be seen are Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal, Joint Service Commendation, Joint Service Achievement, Navy Commendation, Presidential Unit Commendation, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Navy Unit Commendation,  Battle E, Good Conduct (1), National Defense (1), Vietnam Service, Afghanistan Service Medal, Humanitarian Service, and NATO Medal and marksmanship ribbons for pistol and rifle. The Ribbon at the very top that is hidden may be the Navy Cross that he claims to have earned on a job application shown below.

Here he is sporting a Saratoga hat and a Bone Frog shirt.

We managed to get some shots of a job application. He claims to be a veteran of the Vietnam War and a SEAL for 7 years.

Here he gives the dates of his service. A little early for the Afghanistan Medal he is wearing.  He also made Senior Chief in record time. Maybe because he was a secret undercover SEAL that flew F4 Phantoms off the Saratoga.

This is another application he had posted. We zoomed in on the best part below.

Here is his Navy SEAL E7 claim. He also claims the Silver…….Sniper Ribbon. Not sure what that is but it sounds impressive. It’s so special that it’s listed before the Navy Cross he claims to have earned. He also claims SEAL Team Six.

But wait, there’s more! He wants to form a foundation with his new bride.

On his Facebook he lists his college. It is actually hotlinked to this description. I am sure he is the go to guy when it comes to morals.

So there were so many red flags we just had to get the records. It seems that he spent a total of 86 days on active duty in 1974. He was discharged as an E1. He did earn the National Defense Service Medal so he is only wearing 24 ribbons too many at his wedding. Anyone could make that mistake. He was not a SEAL or Diver. He was not a Vietnam Veteran. He was not an officer which would of been required for him to be a pilot and fly F4 Phantoms.

Lovejoy Facebook

Dr. Lovejoys resume

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