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Tony Malakouti Retired US Marine Aviator Blog of Shame

Joe Galvan and the now expired FaceBook Group ” Expose a Poser ” were the first to encounter Tony and his fraudulent claims of being a Marine Harrier Pilot.


On his FaceBook about page, he lists such claims as a Marine ( LtCol ) Squadron Leader from August 6, 1987 to December  30, 2003.

He also claims that he is a Marine Aviator who piloted AV-6B Harrier aircraft from June 1983 to December 2003. Claiming to have been assigned to Marine attack fighter Squadron VMA-542. Stationed in Cherry Point North Carolina.

After conducting a trace and learning that there is only one person with the name ” Tony Malakouti ” in the US, we submitted a request for Tony Malakouti’s Military Service Record using the Freedom of Information Act. The results  back from the Dept. of the Navy, Headquarters United States Marine Corps, indicate that Tony Malakouti has never served as a member of the United States Marine Corps.   

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Facebook Account:


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Summary :  Tony Malakouti visited an air show near a Marine Base in either South or North Carolina, where he had his photo taken in and around a Harrier aircraft claiming to be a pilot from fighter squadron VMA-542. He has then used this photography on different social media websites trying to romance females under the false pretense that he is a Marine fighter pilot.

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