Gregory Ouimette – US Army Ranger, SSG (E-6), Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Grenada, Blog of Shame


07/20/2023 by militaryphonies


Gregory Paul Ouimette comes to us from Keymer, Maryland. At the time of this writing, July 2023, Ouimette is 58 years old.

Gregory Ouimette

In Ouimette’s LinkedIn profile, there are claims of being a combat veteran of Operation Urgent Fury – the U.S. Invasion of Grenada in 1983 – and his receiving a Purple Heart and Bronze Star for that operation. The profile also claims that he completed Ranger training and was a Staff Sergeant (E-6) in the Army.

There is also a claim of attending and graduating from the United States Military Police School in Fort McLellan [sic] Alabama but we are uncertain if this was a military or civilian pursuit and qualification.

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The servicemen that were wounded in the 1983 Grenada invasion is well-documented and Ouimette’s name is not listed.

Gregory Paul Ouimette’s military records were ordered through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. We filed with the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) to account for his service claims.

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FOIA – NPRC – Ouimette – Summary Sheet

FOIA – NPRC – Ouimette – Photo

FOIA – NPRC – Ouimette – Assignments

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We searched the DoD Manpower Data Center database and found no active duty service listing for Gregory Paul Ouimette.

This database was searched for any active duty to the present day. It did not show any other service dates, but sometimes the database is unreliable for recall to active duty from reserve status. However, this result appears to be consistent with Ouimette’s NPRC FOIA response, since it stated that all of his service was “RESERVE TIME ONLY.”

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The length of service was correct with six (6) years, but it appeared to be as a drilling Army reservist vs. active duty time.


Ouimette was discharged from the Army Reserve as a Private 2nd Class (E-2) vs. the SSG (E-6) claimed.


There is no Ranger school listed for military training.


His records do not support the claims that Ouimette served in combat, let alone serving in Grenada. He would have had to serve in combat to be a recipient of the Purple Heart. There was also a claim of a Bronze Star from Grenada which is not supported by his records.


If Gregory Paul Ouimette has used any of these claims to gain anything of value, he could be in violation of the Stolen Valor Act.

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FACEBOOK: none identified


This Ain’t Hell:


27 thoughts on “Gregory Ouimette – US Army Ranger, SSG (E-6), Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Grenada, Blog of Shame

  1. Joe Samoon says:

    …..and of course he’s Trumper.

    • JL Humphrey Sr., RVN 71 says:

      please do we have to bring Trump into this. Ouimette did this.

  2. Jeff says:

    One everyday. It’s like wack a mole.

  3. ChipNASA says:

    OK let’s just do some simple math here.
    This guy is 58 years old. I’m 60.
    The invasion of Grenada was the last week of October just before Halloween, 1983.
    That just happens to jive with when I Enlisted.
    His record show that he started his military service in January 1982.
    Assuming he left immediately and went to basic training, he wouldn’t have gotten out of basic until maybe April it was eight weeks long. Then you process out and go to AIT.
    The length of AIT training varies depending on the MOS and can last anywhere from four weeks to nearly a year. My Air Force technical training was about 10 weeks, very short. For the sake of argument, let’s say his was 12 weeks.
    That puts him at August timeframe 1982 to get out of AIT and Basic.
    So at that point, you leave to go to your first duty station with zero experience, and you got a whole host of O.J. T ahead of you.
    As a unit training manager in the Air Force, I wouldn’t even begin to get anybody up to their first skill level in their AFSC or the army your MOS, in probably 12 to 18 months.
    So that’s gonna put you right at the invasion of Grenada.
    There’s no way that they’re going to send a beginner OJT in any MOS with maybe 18 months time in service, maybe 12 months time in grade, into combat.
    I was also a unit deployment manager so I know if what I speak. The Air Force skill levels are 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 levels.
    Your basic and your technical training school and then some of your very first on the job training you MIGHT make your three skill level, which means semiskilled in the first year or two of your training. MAYBE. That being said, by regulation, you cannot deploy a three skill level off duty station, except for training. You do not have the rank nor the job skill level to be deployed in a mobility (outside of the United States, and certainly not into a combat theater ) position. Period. Full stop. End of statement. Absolutely impossible.
    This guy is in my AO and I wouldn’t mind jumping into his business with both feet, if necessary.

    • Jeff says:

      Wrong. I went to Grenada on day one behind the rangers and had been in the army for 10 months and about 2 weeks. I was an e1 and a platoon medic.

    • Joe Samoon says:

      “There’s no way that they’re going to send a beginner OJT in any MOS with maybe 18 months time in service, maybe 12 months time in grade, into combat.”

      Dude, what are you talking about? After basic training, and AIT, and whatever specialized training such as Airborne School, Ranger School etc you receive, you are sent you to a unit, and when that unit is deployed, YOU DEPLOY WITH YOUR UNIT. When your unit goes to war, no matter how green or new you are YOU GO TO WAR. No unit has the luxury nor would the Army set the precedent of NOT sending fully qualified soldiers into combat because they didn’t have “maybe 18 months time in service, maybe 12 months time in grade, into combat.” When my company deployed to Saudi Arabia prior to invading Iraq in the Gulf War I got at least five FNG privates straight outa AIT. Now I ain’t defending this guy but I do like to see the facts presented correctly.

      • ChipNASA says:

        I’m gonna agree with you, but only qualify my statement that you and I both agree on the fact that it’s “fully qualified”.
        And maybe my Achilles heel here is that I am not is fully familiar with Armie as I am the Air Force but I can’t imagine sending somebody out a basic and AIT into Grenada.
        Of course, my vast experience with Grenada is Heartbreak Ridge. (That was said, both tongue-in-cheek, and with some slight seriousness.)

    • Sarge says:

      Chip, I was on a deployment to Kuwait (Kuwait City International Airport/Al Salem) and the squad from Holloman AFB brought six troops straight from tech school. They had not been at their base for more than a month and were tasked to deploy.

      It was not the best way to start their careers but this was during the Iraq War timeframe so live bodies might have been hard to find (Aug 2007 – Mar 2008).

      Between the six squads we had total, we were doing lots of OJT and overtime trying to get them trained and get their CDCs done before their deployment ended.

      • ChipNASA says:

        Well, I retired shortly right at that time so that makes me wonder specifically talking about the Air Force, is if you can’t waiver that based on manpower, pentagon rips, coming down for Manning tasking.?? 🤔
        Point being I sat around the table with the commander, first sergeant and the section duty heads many times when I was doing deployments taskings. I can certainly see where if you don’t have enough warm bodies in your AFSC that meet tasking requirements they’re gonna have to go with what they got. I just never experienced that. 👍 (I am educated…learned something)

      • Sarge says:

        Lots of babysitting for new troops with their first time away from home. Lots of counseling, reprimands, and a few article 15s for sleeping on post. I was accused several times of being racist but after looking into it, the only thing I was “briefed” for was being an asshole. My reply to that was “standards need to be met as we’re in a war zone”.

        Leadership was all about “we’re in a warzone” and I flipped that shit right back on them. Wash your uniforms, clean your boots, shave everyday, show up on time to work, respect those senior in rank and follow your post instructions and general orders. It ain’t that hard.

  4. Doug Verona says:

    As a veteran of Urgent Fury and Lebanon, these posers really tick me off! I talk with my fellow veterans from these operations and we have an extensive roster of those who actually served with us. For Grenada, my Army brothers run into most of the posers, while my Marine brothers run into the Beirut posers. I may not be an expert on everything that happened during these operations, but I can honestly say I was there.
    Doug Verona, USN USS Fort Snelling LSD-30 Lebanon 1982-83, Grenada 1983 and Lebanon 1983-84.

    • John Mast says:

      And having served with you on that same ship as a punk 19 year old, I can attest to your assignment on the Fort!

    • John Mast says:

      Yes Doug you were there on the Fort. Have to thank all those that were my mentors. It’s tough after all these years listening to some people and the stories that they tell.

    • Mike Kunkel says:

      Doug, I would have been with you on both floats and in Beirut both times. I was with Lima 3/8 and on the Inchon the first cruise and the Ponce and then the Nassau (or vice versa, can never get that correct) on the second cruise. The first time in Beirut we were posted right by the airport and the shit river before they moved us up to the American University up on the Damascus Highway. My second tour (still with Lima 3/8) we were posted on the Corneish right near the American Embassy. Cpl Mike Kunkel, USMC 0331

    • So, you ADMIT that you were on LSD while you were on duty in Lebanon? (j/k) Semper fi, Mac!

      • Michael Kunkel says:

        No, just to and fro. Once our unit put boots on the ground, we didn’t go back to the ship until it was time to leave.

    • Did anybody catch how this POS is claiming to be “MILITARY POLICE” on his LinkedIn page?

      • Joe Samoon says:

        Truthfully, I’m more inclined to forgive him for being a phony Ranger than a real MP. I don’t have anything good to say about Army MP’s because I’ve personally seen them exercise what little power/authority they have ruthlessly. Fr’instance an E-7 who worked for me was given a speeding ticket for riding his bicycle 22 MPH in a 20 MPH zone. I broke my left leg in three places (on my 13th jump of all things) and while I was recovering in the hospital my car tags expired-which I was unaware of. Two weeks later I’m pulled over by some E-4 MP who wants to A. Impound my car, and B make me walk back to my BOQ two away on crutches with my leg in a cast from toe to crotch. All for an expired registration tag! Only because I was on officer and raised holy hell did he (and his shift sergeant) allow me to drive to my quarters and they followed me the entire way. If I’d have been enlisted I woulda been screwed. I’ve seen too many good soldiers, careers ruined, or tarnished by some overzealous authoritarian military policeman, when there was no reason for it.

        Rant off

  5. […] folks at MilitaryPhony sent us their work on this Greg Ouimette fella.  Gregory Paul Ouimette comes to us from Keymer, […]

  6. Bruce says:

    Thanks for outing yet another lying dumbass.

  7. Michael Kunkel says:

    No worries Greg, I just now saw the (j/k) part.

  8. Ur Mom says:

    Imagine setting up an entire site to dox and harass people when you guys probably haven’t seen combat outside of your marriage.

    • The Big Guy says:

      HUNTER!! Get your ass back in the library or the cloakroom or whatever it is… oh look chocolate chip ice cream

    • Sarge says:

      Oh lordie, we got a sockpuppet here.

    • KoB says:

      Imagine being so gullible that you show up at a site that was set up to show the world what kind of lying POSes are out there and try to defend a proven lying POS? If you believe ol’ greg’s lies, I have some ocean front Arizona property to interest you in. Troll much, greg? Light off the foo gas, we gots ourselves a sock puppet!

    • Dan T Johnson says:

      Imagine your chirping to a choir of interested military veterans, but haven’t displayed your “combat” bona fides. I’ll bite- what qualifies you to pipe up Darren? Bored, or another poser butt-hurt about getting called out in the past?

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