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Manuel Fernandez AKA Manny- Fake Navy SEAL, Fake Vietnam Vet, Fake Combat Vet

Manuel Fernandez AKA Manny, AKA Raging Bull hails from San Jose, CA, Manny is known to be a professional wrestler and claims to be a Navy SEAL that served in Vietnam.  Manny has numerous articles and videos with his claims.

If you look at the interview Manny is questioned regarding his claims as a Navy SEAL in Vietnam.  He claims he was there during Operation Enduring Wind (which was actually Operation Frequent Wind which was carried out on 29–30 April 1975).  Just to be clear the last remaining SEALs in Vietnam left in 1972.

In the video below you can fast forward to 1:40 which talks about his SEAL days and it ends on 2:16:

****WARNING**** A lot of foul language, so if you have your kids around ask them to leave or learn a hard lesson in life.





Nice SEAL hat, ebay?  Wonder if it came with that necklace?




Poor Manny his SEAL experiences has given him numerous health problems to include PTSD, being exposed to Agent Orange.  Wow, I am sad to know Manny has been fighting those demons.  Manny we are here for you……………………….









There are plenty of other articles and Facebook pages regarding Manny being a Navy SEAL and having fought in Vietnam, there would be way too many of Manny’s to post (did you like what I did there?  Many of Manny’s, just in case you missed it).

OK, at Military Phonies our math doesn’t seem to be working

Vietnam War 1955 – 1975 

SEALs in Vietnam 1965 and 1972

Manny in Vietnam 1975

Do we mulitply it by something or divide it by π (Pi)?


Military Phonies feels that things are not adding up so we started our investigation.



After contacting the UDT/SEAL archives and checking the UDT/SEAL database we found that there is NO record of Manuel Fernandez ever being or training to become a Navy SEAL.

Manuel Fernandez’s records were requested through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.



Holy crap, Manny’s summary sheets shows that he served in the U.S. Navy Reserves for 1 year, 9 months, 13 days (12/17/74-9/30/76), by Military Phonies math, when Manny joined the Reserves he would have 4 months and 13 days to go to boot camp, then complete BUD/S, get assigned to a SEAL Team and join a platoon to be participate in “Operation Frequent Wind” (SEALs were not part of that operation).  WOW, that would be amazing but sad to say the “Raging Bull” is now the “Raging Bullshitter”.  He got out as an E-1 (Fireman Recruit), schooling was listed as Pump Repair.  He never attended BUD/S, was never assigned to a SEAL Team, never deployed to Vietnam, and was not part of Operation Enduring Wind.    But he did have some cool hair to match that cheesy mustache….


Feel free to comment on Manny’s open public Facebook page!!!!!


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