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Jeffrey Belk; phony Special Forces, The Dating Delta Force Delinquent Ladies, here is your chance to date one of these clowns.  He comes complete with countless hours of tall tales to tantalize and tease.  We wouldn’t wait too long because some lucky woman is going to snatch the guy right off the market.

We hear he is a Combat Hero too.  Scary stories about daring-do. Confirmed Kills. Delta Force Operator. Retired Master Sergeant. What a guy.

He is a real charmer.  It seems he is weight conscious, we are so glad he is upfront about that.  It would be traumatic for women everywhere if they thought he was the man of their dreams only to be rejected for having a few extra pounds.  When looking for your soulmate who will stand by you through thick and thin, this guy is serious about the thin part.

He comes with a little baggage.

Of course his stories about Military Service are nonsense. But, lets not have anyone pass up the opportunity to fall for this guy.  At least you will know he is a liar from the get go.

With an ego that bloated, it might be a good idea if he slimmed  down a bunch himself.  Maybe we can help with that.

Stop on over to for the rest of the story and some lively commentary.

Source: Jeffrey Belk; phony Special Forces : This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here

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