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Christine " Tompkins " Mullen , US Navy Airedale , POSER , Blog of Shame

It was confirmed by the creator of the FaceBook page ” Military with PTSD ” Shawn J Gourley that it was Christine Tompkins 

Mullen’s who was the admin named Christine

tagged in the posts and comments. 

FaceBook Account ;

 I have confirmation from one of her Senior Staff NCO’s who was her boss at the NAS in NV. 

 Tompkins was a problematic Salior. She had been reported numerious times for causing problems. 

 Then one night she got into a drunkin stunptor and assulted one of her Staff NCO’s. She then tried to claim that the Senior Staff NCO had raped her. The investigation proved this false. 

 She was then discharged from the service for having multiple personality disorders.

 She was NOT. And I repeat NOT Gang raped . Or even raped at all while she was enlisted in the United States Navy ! 

Airmen Recruit ; 1 year, 5 months, 6 days. Was never aboard ship.

This Ain’t Hell Blog ;

These photos are just a sample of

The DISCIPLINE Christine learned

in the Navy

THIS is what she did to her beloved Chief’s family….just think of the damage she does to those she cares NOTHING for! Chief’s family allowed her to live RENT FREE for 5 months before she was exposed!


“Christine Mullen no longer resides at this address. Project Hope Ranch is cancelled. She never bought this property or paid my Dad & Stepmother for living in the home. After 5 months of non-payment they had to evict her.
My Father is disabled. He lives on SSDI & rental income. He was forced to sell his tractor & other farm equipment in order to make his land payment.
When Christine moved, she left the neighbors dog in the home & he trashed the place. Not only did my parents walk in to find dog & cat feces throughout the home, rotting food was left in nearly every room.
As many of you know I trusted Christine & considered her a sister. This has upset me & my family a great deal. Everything I thought I knew about her is a lie. She was given money by several vets & family members…yet she never paid my Dad a dime. If any of you gave her money, I apologize. You’ve been taken advantage of as well.
She played upon my emotions & disability in order to get to me & my family. I learned today she is not the person I thought I served with in Fallon. She was out of the Navy before I ever went to Fallon. How she knew details about my service is beyond me. I can’t begin to tell you how this makes me feel. Christine came to me during a vulnerable period in my life… Due to Epilepsy, I have memory loss. I only remember bits & pieces of my time in Fallon…specific events, a few names & faces. Shanon Pindell-Conroy can attest to this fact as she & I DID serve together in VFA-125.
I’m not posting this to be malicious or vengeful, I only want everyone to know the truth. If I can prevent someone else from being hurt, I’ve done my duty.
Many of you will be shocked by this… I’m sorry.
May God bless you all & keep you safe.”

Angela Sanders
NCC (Retired)

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GENTLEMEN, BEWARE! She is on the hunt for YOU:


Christine’s Boyfriend Lucas that she talked about marrying? Umm, another lie. Poor guy is yet another victim of her fraud. She told PVA (Paralyzed Veteran’s of America) That Lucas threw her & Faith out. She told them she was paralyzed & conned them out of nearly $500 & $100 gift card for food! Said they were starving! (She has food stamps!) All this after she stayed out her time at a Veteran’s shelter in Louisville, Ky. PVA paid for her to stay in a motel room until today…

Claiming to have a fake boyfriend is one thing, but a service connected paralyzed vet in a wheelchair?! Disgusting!!!

(16 photos)

Christine TROLLED a legit Fallon group to gather info for her fantasies/tall tales. The above article TELLS THE TRUTH. Christine was NEVER THERE, and women were NOT allowed to volunteer for the search and rescue!


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