Roberto Isaac Mckittrick – Fake Navy SEAL, no Purple Heart, No Combat, No Military Service, etc…


11/14/2017 by hombrerana1221

Roberto Isaac Mckittrick comes to us from Milwaukee, WI.  At the time of this blog Roberto is 21 years of age.  Military phonies became aware of Roberto by various posts and pictures of him wearing a Navy SEAL Trident and claims of being shot in Ramadi.  On his Facebook page Roberto claims he is a Petty Officer and entered the Navy on June 15, 2014.


Here are a few pics of Roberto wearing the Trident, to include a SEAL Team VI pin, Navy jump wings and an SF Crest.



One of Roberto’s Facebook friends questioned him about being a SEAL.




Here’s where it gets good, where he claims he was shot in Ramadi.




Now he’s off to Syria, wish him luck…




The post listed below was in 2014 which would make Roberto approximately 18 years of age and talks about him serving 30 months in the military which means he would have been 15/16 years of age.  




Roberto was eventually called out and claims “Buds class 234 assigned to Charlie Company 2010 2016 my mos is 0317”   I guess he doesn’t realize the Navy doesn’t use the term ‘MOS’ or the SEAL Team’s don’t have Companies and MOS 0317 is for the USMC for a Scout Sniper.





After contacting the UDT/SEAL archives, the Naval Special Warfare Center and checking the UDT/SEAL database we found that there is NO record of Roberto Isaac Mckittrick ever completing BUD/S Training or being assigned to a SEAL Team.

Roberto Isaac Mckittrick’s records were requested through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.





The results of the FOIA shows that the Department of the Navy was not able to locate a service record for Roberto Isaac Mckittrick having ever served in the US Navy.




6 thoughts on “Roberto Isaac Mckittrick – Fake Navy SEAL, no Purple Heart, No Combat, No Military Service, etc…

  1. […] partners at Military Phonies send us their work on this fellow Roberto McKittrick. He claims to be a SEAL from BUD/S class 234. […]

  2. RM3(SS) says:

    Goofy little round faced bitch likes playing dress up. Is the Navy still taking CAT IV’s? With a lot of training and effort he could be a decent mess cook.

  3. Wilted Willy says:

    Why is it always a SEAL? Doesn’t anyone love the Rangers anymore? This fat fuck couldn’t even make it as a Tupperware Seal!!! I say drop this turd in the middle of the Syrian desert and see if all his badass training could get him back home? Also, tie a pork chop around his neck so the dog will play with him! You are really a dickhead!!!

  4. Bombstopr says:

    This guy is obviously mentally challenged.

  5. Bom2motiv says:

    My thoughts exactly bombstopr. Doesn’t make it right. But he’s clearly mentally challenged.

  6. JAMES STEDMAN says:

    This grimy soft ass needs to be hung out to dry for all to see. He isn’t qualified to scrape dogshit off a Seal’s boots.

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