Christopher Eric Norwood -Fake Navy EOD


09/05/2017 by hombrerana1221

Christopher Eric Norwood hails from Polk City, FL with the claims of being a Navy EOD. Chris was on a Facebook page with military veterans letting them know he was a SEAL which quickly turned to a BUD/S drop out in Class 419 then morphed to becoming a member of the Navy EOD.



So Chris was a medical drop out in BUD/S class 419, by our calculations BUD/S class 419 should be going through in about 8-9 years, that’s one hell of a time machine.   Chris tells us what to invest into in 2025/26, do we have flying cars yet?


Then he went on to EOD, because it’s that easy…




Wait, Chris was dropped for shin splints, almost every student in BUD/S has shin splints. Good thing a SEAL joined the conversation and also advised him that BUD/S class should start in 8-9 years.




Chris states he was EOD in San Diego, Silver Strand Beach, 10-12 (we assume those are the years in service as Navy EOD).  A SEAL stated that Chris would be famous, so now he is on Military Phonies and will become famous forever and ever….






Wait, that doesn’t look like what EOD wears…



After contacting the UDT/SEAL archives and checking the UDT/SEAL database we found that there is NO record of Christopher Eric Norwood ever being or training to become a Navy SEAL.

Christopher Eric Norwood records were requested through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.



Based off of Christopher Eric Norwood’s DD-214 it shows he was NOT NAVY EOD.  He was a Sonar Systems Level 1 Operator and got out as an E-3.  Chris did NOT earn the EOD Crab, he did obtain his Enlisted Surface Warfare Pin with his 4 years of active service in the Navy.

Below we have both the EOD insignia and the ESWS insignia, now we see how Chris could have mistaking his training on a ship with training on defusing explosive both on land and underwater. This totally make sense…


Chris was also in the Army reserves from Oct 2015 to Jun 2016…

This is EODCN12


This is ESWS



Easy mistake…




9 thoughts on “Christopher Eric Norwood -Fake Navy EOD

  1. I guess Chris should be pleased that he served honorably in the U.S. Navy for 4 years and was discharged as a STGSN. No need to try to steal EOD/BUDS/Seal valor. Like most of these guys he needs some work

  2. JAMES STEDMAN says:

    I pity this fool.

  3. Mark Lauer says:

    A perfectly honorable record of service, both Navy and Army Reserve.

    WHY?? Why do these guys shit all over themselves??

  4. How despicable. How repugnant. How stupid.

  5. David says:

    Wow, not often we get imitated. Damn, I didn’t know we were supposed to go to “Silver Strand Beach”.

  6. […] folks at Military Phonies send us their work on this Christopher Norwood fellow. He claimed that he was US Navy EOD in a […]

  7. Tom Young says:

    I’ve said this before and will say it again. These guys have a wire loose somewhere. Not right but I’m not going to be all upset when they do this. They obviously need some mental health counseling.

  8. Edward Ashley Blanton says:

    Not surprising. Wanna be EOD until its time to do EOD shit. Probably tried to BS his way into a cilian job with his claims as well…sad.

  9. Daniel Freeman says:

    Hmm. I thought we all went to NAVSCOLEOD. In blue water bay Florida. I guess I went to the wrong school. Maybe I’m not a tech after all.

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